People are starting to realize that being tethered to their phone 24/7 distracts them from the things that matter IRL. Everyone wants to be more present with their friends, family, and the nature around them.

But fully disconnecting, even for a few hours, is a luxury most can't partake in. There's just way too many smartphone utilities we've all adopted as core parts of our lifestyles (Maps, Uber, Camera, Music).

We've tried dumbphones – but we don't want green text bubbles, a 2nd phone number, or a crappy music app from 2011. We've tried screen time apps – but we just end up disabling them and going back to bad habits.

We don't believe in full disconnection, deleting your social media, living like a hermit, or ditching your iPhone forever.

We simply believe you should have 21st century digital conveniences, and be able to use your phone number, without carrying the most addicting entertainment device ever created.

If you believe that too,

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